
Monday, November 10, 2014

Getting Started

As our sons are now in the college baseball recruiting process, it brought us back to how we got started in travel baseball to begin with. The look back in time has prompted us many times to say that we could save others some time by putting our travel ball experiences down in writing.  This blog will have baseball and softball material that can be applied to your own situation but never forget that our opinion and experiences are just one perspective.  Use our material to form your own opinions and plans for how your family will enjoy and use travel ball to reach your son’s or daughter’s goals.

Our plan is to provide a new topic or expand on a topic once a month to begin with and gradually increase the topics and frequency as time passes.  Feel free to email your topic ideas to us for consideration as the next blog post.  In general, you will see topics from a parent, coach, tournament director or outsider’s view such as what level of travel ball is right for my child, travel ball expectations and ideas of what progress should be achieved at various age levels.

Check back often and always remember to enjoy the grind!